
Friday 24 June 2016

What Rm2 knows about the number 48

Today we shared somethings that we know about the number 48 we had some great things written up on the board,like always Miss Varcoe was very happy with all the ideas that Rm 2 and I shared.Even though their were double ups Miss Varcoe still loved all of the knowledge that we know about the number 48.🤔😊

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Room 2 s answers and questions on the lorax story by dr Seuss

This week we started a K.W.H.L.A.Q . Room 2 were having fun but we forgot what we knew about the lorax story so we thought hard and rembered what we know so we did a brainstorm and wrote down everything we rembered. Next we wrote down that we will find out on a iPad. After that we walked around and asked a lot of people questions  and got really fantastic answers. 2nd to last we wrote a paragraph about what we think about our questions. Lastly we made an iMovie and we will show  you enjoy

Monday 13 June 2016

My dogs

We find out that the answer is one dog is 9 another is 5 and the other dog is 1.The question said that if  you add their ages together you will get 15 and if you  multiply their ages it will add up to 45.we knew that 5+9+1=15 and 5 x 9 = 45 and 45x1=45. 
~Rana and Kirstin😊

Sharing our knowledge

Today we shared some of our math knowledge with the classroom.Our teacher Miss Varcoe was very impressed with all our ideas and she was so happy because kids in our class seem to not stop putting up their hands to share their knowledge with the class.
~Isaac & Rachael

For out basic facts, Miss Varcoe gives us a number (9 today) and we have to use the other numbers to make that number. We can add, subtract, times, or divide to get to that number. Today we found 14!! strategies to make 9.

Friday 3 June 2016

Room 2 art

This term for art we made a sunrise. Each step of the way we tried our hardest, and we used paint, die, flowers ,pastels and vividly. We made a sun, mountains,flowers,an ocean.The order that we did it in was draw the sun mountains and the sea, paint the ocean coloured the mountains with pastles, glue flowers on the sea and then we used vivid to draw things on the sea. We had a lot of fun and it was amazing how much people finished it turned out to be an awesome art. 
~ Rana, Chantel, Isaac, Ayesha